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Claudia Piras

Nasco a Nuoro nel 1987. Ho studiato a Urbino e oggi vivo e lavoro come illustratrice in Sardegna.
Ho illustrato fiabe e racconti autoproducendo miei piccoli progetti e lavorando per diverse case editrici (People, Instinctively limited, Imago, Higuera, Giovane Holden, Mediterranea, Tiny Pencil).
Ho partecipato attivamente a mostre e festival.
Mi piace lavorare con i bambini e i ragazzi che vogliono sperimentare i linguaggi del fumetto e dell'animazione.
Collaboro come decoratrice con l’Arch. Andrea Fronteddu per Openspace Dorgali.

I was born in Nuoro in 1987. I studied in Urbino and today I live in Sardinia and I work as an illustrator.
I illustrated fairy tales and stories by self-producing my small projects and working for various publishing houses (People, Maestrale, Instinctively limited, Imago, Higuera, Giovane Holden, Mediterranea, Tiny Pencil).
I have actively participated in exhibitions and festivals.
I like working with children and young people who want to experiment with the art of comics and animation.
I work as a decorator with the architect Andrea Fronteddu for Openspace Dorgali.

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